PUBG Mobile UC Global PIN
Here you can buy PUBG Mobile Global PIN form Bangladesh with bKash, Nagad, Rocket & Upay. PUBG Voucher code will be sent via e-mail. Delivery time 2 min to 10 min.

PUBG Mobile UC Global PIN

Unlock the true potential of your PUBG Mobile gaming experience with our exclusive PUBG Mobile UC Global PIN! Elevate your gameplay, customize your character, and get ahead of the competition. Whether you’re aiming for that exclusive skin, a new parachute, or the latest emote, our UC Global PIN ensures you have the currency to get it. Dive into the battlegrounds with style and confidence. Secure your UC today and conquer the world of PUBG Mobile!

PUBG Global UC Redeem করার নিয়ম জানতে ভিডিওটি দেখুনঃ

How to redeem PUBG Mobile UC with Global PIN

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in or sign up a Midasbuy account.
  3. Enter your PUBG Mobile player ID.
  4. Enter the code, and then click OK button to redeem.
  5. You will receive the UC in your PUBG Mobile account immediately after redemption.

The product is specifically for the Global version of PUBG Mobile. It is not applicable to the China, Japanese, Korean, Taiwan, or Vietnam PUBG Mobile servers.

PUBG Mobile Global PIN – Return Policy

It’s only valid for Global version. All purchases are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-RETURNABLE.

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Additional information

Selected Item

60 UC🟢, 325 UC🟢, 660 UC🟢, 1800 UC🟢, 3850 UC, 8100 UC