-18% Free Fire Monthly Membership
নিচের এই Free Fire Monthly Membership শুধুমাত্র Bangladesh সার্ভারে Top Up করা যাবে।

Free Fire Diamond top up করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Free Fire Monthly Membership


Free Fire Monthly Membership যেভাবে Order করবেনঃ


How to Order “Monthly Membership Free Fire” From Jubaly

1. Free Fire Monthly Membership Diamond টপ আপ করার জন্য প্রথমে “Monthly Membership” প্যাকেজ সিলেক্ট করুন।

monthly membership free fire diamond top up step 1

2. এরপর নিচে আপনার “Player ID” টি  বসানোর একটা option পেয়ে যাবেন, সেখানে আপনার গেমের Player ID টি বসিয়ে দিন। 

monthly membership free fire diamond top up step 2

3. তারপর নিচের ‘GO PAYMENT” বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।

monthly membership free fire diamond top up step 3

4. এরপর Billing Details পেজের সকল তথ্য পুরন করুন।

monthly membership free fire diamond top up step - 4

5. Billing Details পেজের সকল তথ্য পুরণ করা হয়ে গেলে নিচে পেমেন্ট এর জন্য bKash, Nagad, Rocket & Upay অপশন পেয়ে যাবেন, সেইখান থেকে আপনার পেমেন্ট কমপ্লিট করুন। তারপর “Place Order” বাটনে ক্লিক করে অর্ডার সাবমিট সম্পন্ন করুন।

free fire monthly membership diamond top up step 5

আমাদের সাইটে পেমেন্ট কমপ্লিট করতে কোনো প্রকার এক্সট্রা ফি নেওয়া হয়না এবং Order কম্প্লিট করার ২ থেকে ১০ মিনিটের মধ্যেই আপনার গেম একাউন্টে ক্রয়কৃত “New Monthly Membership Free Fire” পেয়ে যাবেন।

free fire monthly membership diamond top up step 6

How to Find Player Uid to Top up Free Fire Monthly Membership?

Free Fire Game UID

You must follow the step-by-step instructions below to find your Free Fire Player UID or player ID:

  1. Firstly on your device, open the Free Fire game.
  2. Tap on your profile at the main menu’s top left corner.
  3. Your Free Fire Player UID will be found in the screen’s top left corner under the username.
  4. Alternatively, you can also find your player ID in the game setting’s “Account” section.

What is Free Fire Monthly Membership/FF Monthly Membership?

The “free monthly membership in free fire” is a subscription service. This service allows players to receive bonus items by purchasing diamonds at a discounted rate. A larger number of bonus items and diamonds includes in the monthly membership compared to the weekly membership option.

Depending on the region, the monthly membership cost varies. But typically, in Bangladesh, the cost is around 850 BDT. By subscribing to the Free Fire Monthly Membership, players can save money on diamonds and get an exclusive bonus.

Why Order “Monthly Membership Free Fire” from Jubaly.com

Jubaly is the go-to destination for Free Fire players in Bangladesh. It is especially best for those looking to purchase diamonds or top up their monthly membership. We offer a convenient and secure way for gamers to get their hands on the in-game currency. The players can thrive in the popular battle royale game by ordering the monthly membership free fire at Jubaly.

Jubaly accepts various payment methods and mobile financial services, including bKash and Nagad. And for this reason, Jubaly stands out from other top-up shops in Bangladesh. According to their convenience, the players can easily top up their accounts without needing a credit card. And even they don’t need any other traditional forms of payment.

Thousands of gamers trust Jubaly every day because of its convenient payment options. For providing fast and reliable service, Jubaly has made a reputation. It ensures that the customers can get back to playing as soon as possible.

Overall, for the Bangladeshi free fire player looking to purchase diamonds or top up the Garena free fire monthly membership, Jubaly is the best choice. We’re the top choice for gamers in the region, with convenient payment options and a track record of reliable service.


Monthly Membership Free Fire BD থেকে Total কত ডায়মন্ড পাওয়া যায়?

আপনি যদি ১ টা Monthly Membership কিনেন তাহলে আপনি ৩০ দিনে সর্বমোট 2500 Diamond পাবেন, যার মধ্যে প্রথম দিন ইনস্ট্যান্ট পাবেন 1000 Diamond এবং Monthly Membership ক্লেম অপশন থেকে আরো 50 Diamond Claim করতে পারবেন । বাকি ২৯ দিনের প্রতিদিন 50 Diamond করে ক্লেম করতে পারবেন।

এছাড়া Monthly Membership নেয়ার জন্য প্রতিদিন ইন-গেম থেকে বিভিন্ন Rewards, Crate Box তো পাবেনই যার মূল্য 1500 ডায়মন্ড এর সমতুল্য।


Free Fire Monthly Membership Price in Bangladesh

Are you looking for a free fire monthly membership price? If you’re a Free Fire player in Bangladesh, you might have noticed that the Garena monthly membership price can vary from one top-up shop to another. However, check out at Jubaly, and we bet you will get the best deal. 

Jubaly offers the most affordable and lowest price for a monthly membership in Bangladesh. The monthly membership in free fire price is just 850 BDT. This is significantly lower than what you’ll find at other top-up shops. So from Jubaly, you will get the best value for your money.


Free Fire Monthly Membership Buy With Bkash

Using bKash, you can buy the Free Fire monthly membership BD at Jubaly. Many players prefer to use mobile banking services like bKash to make online purchases. And that’s why we offer the option to buy the Free Fire monthly membership top up using bKash.

At Jubaly, using your bKash account, you can securely and easily purchase the Free Fire monthly membership bd. And if you prefer to use a different mobile banking service in Bangladesh, we also offer that to players. Even using Rocket or Nagad, you can buy it from Jubaly.


Free Fire Monthly Membership Total Diamond

You can receive a huge bonus by buying the free fire monthly subscription (monthly subscription free fire). The player will receive 2500 diamonds and bonus items worth 1500 diamonds.

Over the month, these diamonds are distributed. Immediately 1000 diamonds are available. And each day, 50  diamonds are available. However, to further enhance your in-game experience, you can use these bonus items.


Free Fire Monthly Membership Discount

Free fire diamond monthly membership’s one of the main benefits is the discounted price for diamonds. Players can save money on their diamond purchases by subscribing to the membership compared to buying them individually.

The discount’s exact amount will vary depending on the region. But generally speaking, the monthly membership offers significant savings compared to buying diamonds individually.

For example, in Bangladesh, the “free fire top up monthly membership” costs 850 BDT. And it includes 2500 diamonds and bonus items worth 1500 diamonds. This is a much lower cost per diamond compared to buying them individually.

In addition to the discounted diamonds, the “monthly membership FF” also includes bonus items. Those items are 5-second chances, a monthly member icon, discount store privilege, 60 Universal EP badges, and a weapon skin gift box. These bonus items can help players enhance their in-game experience. And these items add even more value to the player’s membership.


How Many Diamonds You Will Get From Monthly Membership?

The number of diamonds included with the “free fire membership monthly” will vary depending on the region. However, in Bangladesh, the monthly membership includes 2500 diamonds.

These diamonds are distributed over the month. Immediately 1000 diamonds are available. And each day, 50 diamonds are available. This allows players to use their diamonds gradually rather than all at once. Moreover, players enjoy more flexibility and value for their money.

The Free Fire monthly membership BD in addition to the diamonds also includes bonus items worth 3550 diamonds. These bonus items can be used to enhance the in-game experience of the player. And it gives players more value for their money.


How Much Is Free Fire Monthly Membership?

In Bangladesh, 850 BDT is the free fire monthly membership buying (FF monthly membership price). You will get 2500 diamonds and bonus items worth 1500 diamonds within this cost.

It also includes bonus items such as a monthly member icon, discount store privilege, 5-second chances, and 60 Universal EP badges. The membership offered an additional value and discounted diamond rate through the bonus items.


How Do You Get a Free Fire Monthly Membership?

To get a Free Fire monthly membership, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Jubaly website.
  2. Select the option “Free Fire monthly membership.”
  3. Enter your player ID. Your player ID is assigned to your Free Fire account. And your ID is a unique identification number. It can be found in the game’s “Profile” or “Account” section.
  4. Choose the payment option from Bkash, Rocket, or Nagad, according to your preference.
  5. Complete the payment process to receive the monthly membership and start using your diamonds and bonus items.

Jubaly offers the lowest price for the Free Fire monthly membership in Bangladesh


How Many Diamonds Do We Get Daily in Monthly Membership in Free Fire Top Up?

In Bangladesh, the “Free Fire monthly membership buy” includes 50  diamonds per day. And bonus items of Free Fire worth 1500 diamonds. Players also receive 1000 diamonds immediately upon purchasing the membership. And they will receive 2500 free fire monthly diamonds over the month.


Other Top-Up Services You Can Get From Jubaly

From Jubaly you can Top-Up Free Fire Diamond Bangladesh, Free Fire Weekly Membership, Free Fire Diamond Global, Bd Game Bazaar Top Up, Free Fire Diamond Indonesia, PUBG Mobile UC, Mobile Legends, CLASH OF CLANS, SAUSAGE MAN, VALORANT POINT, ROBLOX ROBUX, CALL OF DUTY BC, LIKEE DIAMOND, BIGO DIAMOND.